Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Our comfort zones

"Get out of your comfort zone." This has become a cliche, we hear it all the time, but still, it resonates with many of us. Why? Why are we so scared of getting out of our comfort zones? One of the reasons is that it is scary to get out of our comfort zones. No matter how bad they are, we get used to our current surroundings because they are predictable. Anything unpredictable sounds riskier than our current situation, which is why most of us are scared to take risks. It must be noted that the word "comfort" used here has nothing to do with physical comfort it implies our familiarity with the situation and fear of the unknown rather than a feeling of material comfort. 

If we are exposed to any situation for long enough, we get used to it, and most of us behave this way. Whether it's our job, neighborhood, house, relationship, family, school, country, or anything. We know what to expect, we can guess the consequences of our actions and plan accordingly. This predictability gives us a sense of comfort, a zone in which we feel in control, at least on our own actions. Anything out of this zone is unpredictable and hence scary. Most of the time if we get comfortable in a bad situation we fear getting into a worse situation than the current one and hence hesitate to take any action. However, the truth is that nothing improves until we take the risk and move out of our comfort zone. We need to face that uncertainty and fear. We need to dare to challenge the status quo, the result may not be what we expect, but it is worth giving it a shot. If we are going to go down it is better to go down fighting. One example of such fear is to give enough time to find a suitable job or career. There is a huge pressure on us to work once we finish our education. The pressure is very high. People start asking about their future jobs while students are still in the last year of their college. This makes students anxious and forces them to have some job no matter whether they like it or not. They want a job offer just to show that they are on track, not because they want that job. Taking your time to figure out what you want to do is getting out of your comfort zone. Choosing a career of your liking and preference than opting for obvious and safe choices is getting out of your comfort zone. It's not always doing something that defines getting out of our comfort zone, not doing something, not following the traditional path, not falling for propaganda, and not opting for the so-called American dream is also getting out of our comfort zones. It takes courage to do things, and at the same time it takes courage not to do things that everyone expects from you but you don't want to do. 

Getting out of our comfort zone is an adventure, it is a personal choice and challenge. I understand that not everyone may want to do this. Being happy in our comfort zones is not a bad thing if this is what makes us happy. But if you are not happy or content, you want something more, or want to change things, then take that step, and get out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself and test your abilities. Things will be unpredictable and a little scary. But this is what adventure looks like, unpredictable and a little scary. Remember, most people regret things they didn't do rather than things they did. So, if you are looking for some challenge, get out of your comfort zone, and chase the dream you always wanted to chase. Make sure to prepare yourself for this challenge, as any risk without preparation is a recipe for disaster. So, get ready and start your journey, you won't regret it.

Thank you for reading and please share your views on this topic. 

© Vinay Thakur, All rights reserved, Vinay can be reached at thevinay2022@gmail.com 

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