Thursday, July 20, 2023

Misogyny is the product of religion

Religion is one of the oldest enterprises humans are engaged in. All religions are man-made. I am purposely using the phrase "man-made," because they all are conceived by men Don't believe me, verify yourself, the easiest way to verify is to glance at some famous books from any religion and check the gender of the authors of those books. Therefore, all religions are misogynist as they are conceived through the mind of men of that era who were shaped by the misogynist society of that respective era. Even religion like Hinduism that makes tall claims about worshipping female gods and giving women higher status was and still is cruel and barbaric towards women. Claiming to worship female gods and treating women like humans and not like property are totally different things. In all countries where women are treated better compared to any point in human history, it is because of modern laws and not because of any religion. Rather, in some places where tremendous progress was made, there is a pushback on women's rights citing religious beliefs as one of the reasons. Religion is always used to curb women's rights but never to expand them.  

I know this is a sensitive issue and will ruffle many feathers. Believers of all religions will feel hurt and will argue that their religion cares about women and it is the other religions that are responsible for all mistreatment offered to women. This is an expected and age-old reaction by all religions whenever the topic of misogyny is raised. Also, worshipping or having female gods or prophets, or trying to protect women by sheltering them, or giving them higher or special status (and in return restricting their freedom) are usual lame excuses offered by all religions to laminate their real agenda of controlling women and their bodies. No religion has shown courage so far to apologize and accept their mistreatment of women, they all do offer some lame excuses or even shamelessly justify the injustice delivered to women. It is not that the history of misogyny associated with every religion baffles me but the impunity and shameless defense of that history by their believers, even today.   

Convincing women that religion is good for them is one of the greatest marketing scams of human history, there is nothing equivalent to this scam. I also must mention that product like religion is necessary for many people, it provides them some comfort and solace psychologically, and it was the only option in the era when there was no other help available for any mental health-related issues. The availability of other resources that can calm our nerves is one of the reasons why religion is losing some ground, but it is still one of the strongest forces that control the human mind and behavior. Therefore, it is important to analyze and scrutinize all of them and force gradual changes. Many religions have mended their ways silently without accepting any wrongdoings, this is good and definitely a step in the right direction, but still not enough, they also need to acknowledge their contribution to misogyny and apologize. They can at least do this much for all the suffering and mistreatment directed toward women in the name of that religion. I hope women will take up this cause and make them accountable.

Thank you for reading and please share your views on this topic. 

© Vinay Thakur, All rights reserved, Vinay can be reached at

Monday, July 10, 2023

How is your social health?

Most of us try our best to look after our physical health. Regular checkups and various diagnostic tests help us to monitor our physical health. Post Covid we are also aware of mental health issues and slowly, and really slowly society is becoming comfortable with discussing mental health-related topics. We still have a long way to go, mental health issues are pervasive and widespread but their discussion is not that common, many families and individuals still hesitate to be open about their mental health. This is why I am bringing in the topic of social health. How are we doing about our relationships? These relationships include our family and other relationships like friends and colleagues. Various research studies and data suggest that our social health contributes not only to our mental health but also to our physical health. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to our relationships and nurture them, especially the ones that matter to us.  

Most of us make the mistake of taking our relationships for granted. Just because someone loves us doesn't mean they should tolerate each and every nonsense from us. The relationship is a bilateral process, you give and you take, if one person is only taking or giving that relationship is exploitative and nonsustainable, and if it lasts long it is damaging to both, especially to the constant giver. Also, relationships help us to remain human. Humans are social animals, and being connected is one of our basic needs. This is the reason why social media has become so popular, it fulfills our need to be connected. But too much social media is counterproductive, instead of getting benefitted from increased connectivity with the outside world we start getting disconnected from our immediate surroundings. We start comparing our insides with the outsides that others share on social media. This is why I call social media a double-edged sword, it can benefit you if you use it properly, but if not, it can be damaging, and we don't even know the extent of the damage until it's too late. Also, every relationship demands and needs attention. Our attention is the single most valuable asset that we can provide in any relationship. Many of us know this but forget to practice in real life. Focusing our attention is very important if we want to be present for the person we care about. Our improved attention can improve our social health, and this in turn can improve our mental and physical health. Therefore, start working on your social health, take stock of your relationships, and review where you need to focus and which parts need work from your side. Remember, as long as they are there it is never too late to express your gratitude and love to a person you love. Spend enough time nurturing the relationships that matter to you and you will never regret it, as these are the things you will cherish and remember fondly in the long run. All the very best.

Thank you for reading and please share your views on this topic. 

© Vinay Thakur, All rights reserved, Vinay can be reached at