Friday, September 9, 2022

Negative bias

A negative bias is something we all have it. We may not be happy to accept this or would like to believe that we are not the ones with any negativeness in our personality but that's not true. Negative bias is not about being negative or anything bad, this is a natural tendency of humans to compare. We naturally compare ourselves with others around us, with the advent of social media people don't even have to be around us, we can compare ourselves with anyone we want. However, the problem is that we tend to compare upwards more than downwards and often find ourselves at the bottom of the comparison ladder. We do this futile exercise, again and again, knowing that it is only going to bring anxiety and despair. Even after all this, it is hard, if not impossible, to get rid of the negative bias. 

Comparison is a double-edged sword. It can motivate us to do better, and we can learn so many things from each other to improve and enrich our lives. On the other hand, it can make us feel disappointed in our choices and think that others are doing much better than us with much less hard work and talent. Mostly success stories are shared with a lot of flare and glitter, whereas failure is only whispered. Also, we always tend to compare upward, that is with people who supposedly doing better than us. It is obvious to find ourselves at the bottom of the comparison ladder when we always compare upwards. Instead of getting motivated to continue our journey for our dreams and happiness, we get entangled in the vicious cycle of comparison and regret. Social media does not make this any easier. We see others posting about their amazing lives and feel what the heck is wrong with us. We feel our life sucks whereas others are having the time of their life. We forget that we are also doing the same and someone looking at our social media posts might be feeling jealous about the amazing display of our life on social media. 

Social media does not cultivate authenticity for most of us. Actually, most of us perform on social media. Very few of us dare to show our true selves on social media, most try to showcase only the best versions, even if they have to fake them. This is the biggest problem of social media, it is not as social as we imagine. It has become a place where people perform for validation from others, it has become a form of entertainment. There is not much interaction, there are performers and there is an audience. 

When we only watch others perform and believe it is reality, we exacerbate the problem of negative bias. It is like watching a fiction movie and comparing it with our day-to-day life. Of course, our day-to-day life is not as entertaining as the movie because the movie is scripted, acted, edited, and polished. It is a refined product that is meant to entertain, but our real life is not meant to entertain others. So, relax, take it easy, and don't fall into the trap of negative bias so much that you get disconnected from your own reality. Compare but be aware that you are comparing, use the comparison for motivation and encouragement. Occasional jealousy is normal, but don't be in a mode of constant validation from others. Likes or comments on social media do not define our life or who we are, we define it, this awareness and control are valuable, so don't surrender them.

Thank you for reading and please share your views on this topic. 

Vinay can be reached at

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