Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Balancing physics, chemistry, and biology of a relationship

If we analyze the dynamics of any relationship we will find they do involve elements of physics, chemistry, and biology. I don't mean that they literally involve basic concepts from these branches of science, but any relationship, especially our relationship with our partner does involve important aspects of these three branches of science.

Let's first take chemistry, we need to have compatibility in any relationship, especially with our partner. Without compatibility, it's tough to live happily together. Imagine a relationship where people argue or fight continuously because they are not compatible with each other. Compatibility also doesn't mean you need to be very similar to each other or your things have to match on every point. People can be very different and still complement each other very well. This is why chemistry becomes important, we all have certain traits and characteristics that we value or want to preserve, find a person who values them, and who gives you enough space and freedom to be yourself. You want to complement each other not to complete each other. Every person is complete, we don't need anyone else to complete ourselves, we need someone who can understand us and support us when needed. When two people make they should form a strong bond, not an explosive reaction. Only strong bonds survive tough conditions and make that relationship long-lasting, look for such strong bonds. 

Next is physics. There are physical aspects to our relationships. This is an ignored and taboo subject in most of the societies. People are not very open to talking about the physical aspects of the couple's relationship, but it is as important as any other aspect of the relationship. This aspect requires a lot of compassion, love, care, as well as respect. Consent should not be taken for granted and the wishes of each other should be respected to have a healthy physical relationship. Ignoring this aspect of the relationship could have a serious effect on other aspects of the relationship. A lack of good physics could spoil the good chemistry.

Lastly, biology, which many times we can control and many times we can't. This part requires some care, precaution, and knowledge. Without properly knowing the biological consequences of our actions, it is easy to make mistakes and then regret them. Some mistakes are correctable because of the help of medical science, but this is not the case always. It is better to be safe than sorry and this is true at every stage of the relationship. I am not just talking about the biological aspects of sexual behavior, but also about the effects of negligence towards personal health. Unhealthy habits are bound to show their effects at some stage, it is always better to be aware of our own personal health challenges and work to mitigate any health-related issues. Biology could affect the physics of a relationship and they both together could affect the chemistry of a relationship to weaken the bond.

Striking the balance between all three aspects of a relationship is not easy, people often struggle with one aspect or another. Sometimes they get the chemistry right but mess up with physics and biology, and sometimes it's the other way around. There is no right or wrong formula, every couple has to come up with what works best for them. This requires the participation of both partners as unilateral solutions rarely work. Also, this is a continuous and never-ending process, it continues as long as that relationship exists, and we need to tune the balance at every stage of life. This is always a work in progress, but very important work. Please don't neglect it.

Thanks for reading and please share your opinion about this topic. 

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