Saturday, June 13, 2020

Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable

Being comfortable is a desirable stage that many of us try to achieve and one cannot be blamed for this. After all, who doesn't want to live a comfortable life, where everything is happening as per our desires, where we are not exposed to anything unpleasant which might make us uncomfortable. However, the truth is that it is not possible to live like that unless we make ourselves immune from everything, good or bad, happening around us. There are many problems that we face personally or know that only certain sections of society face, these things make us feel uncomfortable, challenge our sensitivities, and beg some action on our part. Some of these problems are so old and persistent that we wonder how human civilization which claims to be sensitive and compassionate allowed such an injustice to continue for so long. All of these things make me uncomfortable. At the same time, being uncomfortable challenges me to do something different, and makes me go out of my comfort zone and take risks, pushing my limits. In most situations, we have options.

We can either choose to maintain the status quo, remain silent, allow things to remain as they are, or try our best to induce a change in the right direction, the choice is always ours. Being uncomfortable is not an easy thing. It makes you feel uneasy, you get many questions about what and how. You might also feel responsible and guilty for not doing anything. It's a matter of choice, there is nothing right or wrong in this, one can choose to be uncomfortable about bad things happening around us or choose to ignore them thinking that there is nothing much we can do about it. I choose to get uncomfortable when I read or hear about some injustice, discrimination, harassment, or anything that challenges my sensibility, which doesn't sound right. I ask myself, what can I do to make a difference? I challenge myself to take some action, and take a step in what I feel is the right direction, no matter how small that step is. I do this not because I always think that what I do will change things or end the centuries-old traditions that I don't subscribe to, but because if it has to start from someone then why not from me? If I don't stand for what I believe, then who else will? If I look at my self-interest and safe passage and keep mum then how can I blame others for keeping silent? This is how I learned to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. As I mentioned, it is not a very desirable state as my mind continuously challenges me to do something about the things that I feel are not right, but I feel it is necessary to bring the change that I desire or preserve the values that I value.

Do you see any value in being uncomfortable? Do you see people being unfairly treated, suppressed, or discriminated which must make any sensible person uncomfortable? If yes, do you get uncomfortable after witnessing these things? If yes, then what do you do about your discomfort? If you do not feel uncomfortable, have you asked yourself, why not? These are the few questions which each of us should ask ourselves and find our own answers. These answers might make us feel comfortable about our choices or even better, might train us to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, and push our limits to strive for a better world.

Thanks for reading and please share your opinion about this topic. 

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