Sunday, August 12, 2018

None of the religions are scientific, and they don't have to be

I find it very interesting when various religions try to claim that they are the most scientific ones among all other religions. Amazingly, such an old institution like religion feels compelled to demonstrate that it also possesses some or all characteristics of a much younger academic discipline like science. I am not saying that science didn't exist when religion originated as a personal and social wellness product for human civilization, but back then science was not an organized and well-defined discipline as it is today. Scientific facts and phenomena exist whether we know about them or not. But this fight among all religions to claim how scientific they are demonstrates how science has become a more reliable discipline than religion. So reliable that even ancient institutions like organized religion feel the compulsion to demonstrate their alignment with science.

The compulsion to prove how scientific they are is not limited to any particular religion. If you look at any major religion in the world today, you can find various articles, books, blog posts, and even research papers published in some scientific journals where they claim how various scientific facts or phenomena were already explained in their religious scriptures. There seems to be competition among all religions to show who is more scientific, whereas none of them can pass the rigorous test of producing verifiable data to prove their religious claims. I always thought that most religions could stand on their own without demonstrating any association with science or claiming how scientific they are. Religion satisfies a unique need of the human mind, it puts an end to your questions about the unknown by convincing you that there is some supreme power that controls everything and hence you don't have to worry. Religion commands people to follow the path recommended by whatever scripture is prescribed by that particular religion. By putting an unverifiable and unrecognizable entity as a supreme controller it puts an end to all questions. This approach is supposed to put an end to all the anxiety about the unknown to all people who are willing to accept the existence of any such power. On the contrary, science is an endless pursuit of knowledge. It is a never-ending journey, science not only searches for solutions to existing problems, but it also searches for new problems. The quest to find answers to existing problems and new problems from existing answers is an endless voyage. No book in science can claim that it has all the answers to all human problems because that's not what science is supposed to do. Science doesn't hesitate to accept that it doesn't know answers to many questions, but hardly any religion dares to accept this. This is one of the major differences between science and religion, and as long as religions don't gather the courage to accept this simple fact they cannot claim themselves to be scientific. 

So far, I have not come across any scientific discipline claiming that they are the most religious. I don't think they ever felt the need to claim any association with any religion to demonstrate their validity and relevance. But somehow religion feels insecure because of the popularity and rapid spread of scientific knowledge. As they can't stop this, they figured it out that it is better for them to claim an association with it. It is an unnecessary tactic. As I mentioned, religion satisfies a unique need of a very large number of humans on this planet, this need is going to remain as long as people fear the unknown and don't accept the role of randomness in our lives. It is tough not to worry about the unknown because as a human we are innately curious and want definite answers to our questions. No matter how illogical that answer is, we want an answer and religion does a very good job of providing answers to these types of questions. The need for religion is going to remain no matter how much science progresses as there will be always something that we don't know. Fear of the unknown is not easy to overcome. It is also true that many of the religious scriptures do mention some scientific facts, but this is not enough to validate their claim to be scientific. Even some fiction books contain elements of scientific facts, but that doesn't mean those stories are scientific. The presence of verifiable data is one of the important requirements of any scientific experiment and religion doesn't believe in presenting any such data. None of the current religions are scientific, they don't have to be and they don't have to claim that they are, they should leave science out of their mess, the same way science leaves religion out.

Thanks for reading and please share your views on this topic.


  1. Very well expressed....100 points for your thoughts , approach and reasoning. Education unfortunately does not give the ability to proper logic and imparts information to be processed by the human mind in ethical manner. This article should be thought provoking for followers of various religions all over the globe.

  2. A simple question, what is zero for science and what is infinity? Two mutually exclusive entities...
    Can science establish a link... Yes it can that they are light years apart... But can science accept they both are contained in itself. And the reason science cannot accept it since it is based on observation... The basic sub-atomic particle photon is dual in nature... It is both wave and particle... So all the hypothesis science has built is based on duality which does not two behavior to merge... Just remember what ever photon is... A wave or a particle... At the end it is photon... But religion says zero and infinity ate one... Contained in one... Science is systematic point taken but it is based on basics which may not be based on real truth but on local facts... As the domain of local facts increase the fact changes... Simple example us triangle inequality... But it is true only in euclidian plane... Gravitation around heavily body distorts the space and triangle inequity does not hold true... Local fact has changed... Why science and religion cannot merge since we are victim of duality... Just remember both science and religion has originated from one source which had all the information, knowledge contained in primal bubble which exploded and resulted in big bang... At that explosion duality photon got created and...

    Tarun Deep Singh

    1. If one can show the data, science and scientist have to accept that hypothesis if that data is reliable..there is nothing science cannot accept if there is a verifiable data to prove it, it's not a religion where you are required to accept and believe.

      Science follows certain methods. Yes, there are assumptions and the beauty of those assumptions is that anyone can challenge them and propose their own, they remain assumptions as long as there is no direct or indirect evidence to prove them, and this is what makes science interesting and vibrant field.

      Thanks for sharing your opinion.
