Thursday, October 29, 2015

Let's remove taboos associated with Menstruation

In my post about worshiping while menstruating, I tried to address the stigma associated with menstruation and participation in religious functions. This post gets maximum views during the Hindu festival seasons when there are a lot of occasions where women might face this dilemma. Many people have expressed different views and concerns in the comments section of that post. Some even asked for advice about what to do if they face a dilemma where their culture and tradition contradict their logic. When I read this article I decided to write one more post related to this topic of menstruation and various misconceptions associated with it. Actually, taboos associated with menstruation are not only a problem of any one religion or any one culture, they exist all over the world, in all regions and religions. Many developed societies have broken these barriers to a large extent, but still, this issue is a taboo subject in many societies all over the world. Why there is so much secrecy around this subject that people hesitate to discuss it in the open? Why there is so much ignorance and lack of information about this very important biological phenomenon that is directly related to our procreation? It is a simple biological process that we have known for ages. A lot of progress has been made in the area of sanitation and hygiene which can remove all concerns and doubts associated with hygiene-related questions related to menstruation. Then even after all this why do some societies or cultures continue to treat it as some contagious disease?

The root cause for all this stigma and discomfort associated with menstruation is some age-old beliefs, customs, and traditions. One can clearly see that even in societies where proper sanitation and hygiene methods are available women are treated differently during their periods. Somehow it is still believed that they are impure or not normal during "those days." Many times women fall prey to all this stereotyping and cultural pressures, they practice such traditions out of guilt or to not to make others upset and angry. Very few who dare to go against the norm then face severe criticism and are made to feel guilty about their behavior. Menstruation is not something they choose or do on their own willingly, they cannot be blamed in any way for it as it is a simple biological phenomenon. They should not be discriminated for a natural process over which they don't have any control.

It is good to see that things are improving, the rate of improvement is definitely slow but for sure things are changing. Many females are questioning this unfair treatment, and many of them are willing to challenge this stigma and confront discriminatory practices. All this is bound to bring that desired change, after all, how long unfair discrimination will last if the entire gender affected by it rebels against it? The more protests come out against such discrimination the more these things will be discussed. These discussions will slowly spread more information and more awareness about issues related to menstruation and will help to get rid of the stigma associated with it. Surprisingly people don't want to discuss or talk about such an important issue within their own family, we must give proper information to our kids about all these things, especially about things related to their body and sexuality. This is an essential part of their learning which will make them better human beings. This subject definitely doesn't need any stigma or taboo associated with it, females have suffered enough discrimination because of these things. We need to remove any stigma and hesitation associated with the subject of menstruation and related issues from all societies and cultures. This is an important subject for half of the world's population, we can't brush it aside or push it under the carpet as if it doesn't exist. I am glad to see that now females are taking the lead themselves to remove the stigma associated with many such issues. I am sure they will create space for their issues in discussion forums at all levels. I request the rest of us to join them in this quest.

Thanks for reading and please share your views on this topic.

[Copyright: Vinay Thakur. Please contact the author for re-posting or publishing]

1. A Girl Gets Her Period And Is Banished To The Shed


  1. I am a member of a nuclear family who since childhood , have lived in the metropolis of Mumbai. Since my teenage I have been taking part in the purchases at home and my mother ad sister had no hesitation to ask me to buy for them, sanitary pads, Panties or Bras as per requirement.
    Our family has come from a town place and shifted to the city since 1960,therefore many a family friend of member has asked us about guidance in fields of Taboo in a normal Indian families from the rural and town areas.

    The problems:-

    1) Discussion about Menstrual periods are not openly held even in small families,more so with the Father's involvement.

    2) Ignorance of Sex and sexual changes taking place naturally.

    3) Withdrawal of girls from education when they reach puberty as no Sanitation facilities are available.

    4) Procurement of Sanitary pads at a cheaper cost.No awareness of substitutes

    5) Early marriages so as to let off "burden" of looking after female children and their safety.

    6) Irrational taboos carried on from ancestral and ignorant social members under the garb of religion.

    Now that my daughters are married and my son adult enough I am proud to mention that there was no query on the face of the earth that I denied my children from asking me as they grew up.I have always treated them as my "friends" and have acted as their "confidante" I thought that their Biological father is the 'best' person to answer their Problems and give them solutions and the right "information".

    1. Many thanks for such a amazing comment...actually you nailed many issues associated with this topic better than post itself. Special thanks for sharing your own personal experience.
